
Home Forums eaDocX queries Excel slow – eaDocX hangs

Home Forums eaDocX queries Excel slow – eaDocX hangs

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  • #8846
    Guillaume Finance


    I’m running the import, compare, and export with Excel for a large number of attributes (1000-2000).
    I noticed that eaDocX sometimes hangs in the process of reading or updating the Excel file -it seems to be “waiting” for something to happen, and then (sometimes after a couple of minutes), the process continues.

    I initially thought it was related with a DB EA project, but I get the same issue on EAP files.

    Has this issue been identified?

    eadocX Support

    I have seen this before with other parts of EA, where EA just stops for a while, thinks, and then carries on. There’s nothing in eaDocX which should cause this.

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