
Home Forums eaDocX queries Formatting page layout within EA Content

Home Forums eaDocX queries Formatting page layout within EA Content

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  • #6659
    Megan Kirk

    Hi there.

    Probably a dumb question but I am a new user …

    How/where in eaDocx do you format the page layout for a table and/or diagram? I have read the help text and the way in which it advises to do it (i.e. navigation and settings) are not available in the version of eaDocx that we are using – v3.2.9.10.


    eadocX Support

    Did you use Quick Document too get an initial document?
    Try that, then you’ll see that some element types are formatted as Tables, some as Inline, depending on your particular model structure.
    After that, just follow the ‘getting started’ bit of the Help

    Megan Kirk

    Sorry, yes have done that. What I want to know is how to set the page display for an element table to landscape, i.e. everytime the document is generated the page that the table is displayed on is in landscape not portrait

    eadocX Support

    There’s a checkbox in the bottom left of the Table Formatting page which say ‘Print tables like this in Landscape orientation”

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