
Home Forums eaDocX queries generate eaDocX files automated

Home Forums eaDocX queries generate eaDocX files automated

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  • #9229
    Philipp Woditsch


    i am thinking about the possibility to generate eaDocX files automatically, e.g. by starting a script in EA or the usage of sth. like a eaDocX API.

    The idea is to automatically generate updated eaDocX files from one EA project without any manual process steps.

    Is there a possibility to open files and start generation without using the eaDocX GUI?



    I’ve never tried calling into an addin from inside an ea script. Is this possible?
    If so, what would the eaDocX API call look like? That is, what parameters would you expect to pass?
    We have the beginnings of this function in the Auto-template capability, so internally we might have most of the moving parts.

    Philipp Woditsch

    The idea would be to open an already configured docx file (including defined eaDocX sections and profiles) and trigger the generating process.

    Philipp Woditsch

    We have a solution which enables to call EA AddIn functions based on a script (using a separate thread and windows named pipes…). Calling functions of an own developed AddIn works properly with this. I assume this would also work with eaDocX, but therefore we need to know the eaDocX functions (e.g. the eaDocX function which is called when using “Generate Document” or “Open Word document”).

    eadocX Support

    You really as desperate….
    sadly, it’s not that simple….eaDocX is designed to work with a UI, so I would need to cleanly separate the UI from the engine.
    To get you started,

    Dim g As New WordGenerator(neweaDocXMain)
    g.profile = myProfile ‘Profile is an instance of DgDocumentProfile. I get if from the UI, which it turn got it from the current document.
    g.activeDocument = aDoc ‘ This needs to be an instance of Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document

    ‘(4) Generate the document

    You might be able to create a new WordGenerator with a null parameter, as that’s just a ref to the current UI, and I seem to check if there really is one.

    I can’t help feeling that, without some radical re-factoring from me, this is doomed…

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