
Home Forums eaDocX queries Messages of a sequence diagram not printing

Home Forums eaDocX queries Messages of a sequence diagram not printing

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  • #8976
    Markus Bauer


    I want to print a list of messages used in a sequence diagram. According to I did the following:

    1. Create a sequence diagram with messages between 3 classes
    2. Create a new Word document and add the diagram to a new section
    3. Change the diagram options to “Diagram and all content”. In the Connector Options dialog, I selected “All connectors”, “Print connectors as separate list” and the appearing profile “Connector: Sequence”
    4. Added a profile for Messages: Print as table, add the attributes Sequence number and Name
    5. Generate the full document

    It always only shows me a table below the diagram with the columns “Object”, “Details” and “Sequence: Object”. That neither matches the specification for the Message profile nor the specification for the auto-generated “Connector: Sequence” profile, but the profile for “Object”. Also the preview pane shows an “Object table” when I expand the Package1 diagram.

    I am using eaDocX v3.9.5.1, EA corporate edition 12.0.1215 and Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus 2016.

    Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong here? I attached the EA model and the generated document to this issue.

    Thanks and regards

    eadocX Support

    I removed this from recent release in error – whoops.
    Put back into, now on the website.

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