
Home Forums eaDocX queries Object instances not exporting

Home Forums eaDocX queries Object instances not exporting

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  • #9242
    Mark Elson

    I’m using v4.1.5.1 (and EA 1309) and am finding that object instances are not exporting. The profile has them greyed out. If I right-click and “Show Profile” then the “Add profile to” dialog comes up with Element type set to Object. If I select Continue I get told “You have already defined how this element is formatted”. I do indeed have a profile for Object and Objects are getting printed according to that.

    So a bit of Catch-22. EaDocX thinks Object instances are Objects when I try and create a profile (I do want them both have the same profile) but won’t print them because it thinks Object instances don’t have a profile.



    eadocX Support

    All the testing I’ve done on this starts with creating a Quick Document. Have you tried that? I never tried manually creating Profiles for each type – most documents will have WAY too many. So try A Quick Doc, and get back to me…

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