
Home Forums eaDocX queries Option to cancel document generation

Home Forums eaDocX queries Option to cancel document generation

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  • #9055
    Markus Bauer


    it would be great, if the document generation could be cancelled somehow. Especially in case of an error, it doesn’t necessarily make sense to continue.

    In my concrete case, I loaded a document from a colleague, which also contained some script generated parts. I missed to load the scripts into EA, so they weren’t available.
    During document generation, I got plenty of message boxes, telling me that a script error occurred. Unfortunately, they only contain an “OK” button:

    I think in any error case, the user should get an option to cancel. Why should I continue the document generation, if I already know that it failed?

    Best regards

    eadocX Support

    Good idea – I will add to the backlog for V4.
    We don’t have a general a function to cancel generation, because that would mean we would have to make the generator run in a separate thread. We tried that a while back ,and it created a world of problem when talking to Word!

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