
Home Forums eaDocX queries Printing From eaDocX

Home Forums eaDocX queries Printing From eaDocX

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  • #7767
    Doug Blake

    Using eaDocX Full Version and EA 11.0.1105 I have a document open with a table of contents. When I try to print it the “Do you want to update the TOC” dialogue ends up behind EA so I cant see I to make a selection and print. The workaround is to minimise EA and open a new instance of Word which then pops up the invisible dialogue. I am using office 2010.

    eadocX Support

    Urgh! Nasty.
    …but I’m not sure we can do anything about this, as it’s a Word dialog which is popping-up, over which eaDocX has no control.
    Good tip though!

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