
Home Forums eaDocX queries Problems with eaXL after migrating to Office 2016

Home Forums eaDocX queries Problems with eaXL after migrating to Office 2016

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    After migration from Office 2013 to Office 2016, eaXL is almost unusable for us due to the following problems :

    1. – the Excel windows is now embedded in EA window (great ?) and does not allow selection and edition of Excel cells (see attached file (eaXL-Office-1.png)
    2. – the export from EA to Excel seems to work, but in the end this process, the Excel sheet is voided (see attached file eaXL-Office-2.png), unless a secondary Excel view is displayed (attached file eaXL-Office-3.png). However, this latest situation does not always work (attached file eaXL-Office-5.png)
    3. – closing the eaXL document makes EA either crashing or its window being hidden (eaXL-Office-1.png and eaXL-Office-3.png)
    4. – in some of our eaXL documents, configuration information is lost : selected elements to export and their attributes (columns) are voided (attached file eaXL-Office-4.png).

    Environment :
    – Windows 10
    – MS Office 2016
    – EA 12.1.1227
    – eaDocX

    Thank you for your help.

    Christophe Guibert


    additional information :
    – same problems with eaDocX

    eadocX Support

    We currently do not support Excel 2016. (as stated in the System Requirements )
    Microsoft changed the internal programming model of Excel before, from 2010 to 2013, which meant that external applications like eaDocX could no longer embed Excel inside their windows.
    Now they have done it again from 2013 to 2016, but they have changed something else as well. We have looked at this very hard, and you would expect, but so far we cannot find a solution.
    We realize this is a real pain for you, and we are still looking for solutions, but this is a largely undocumented bit of Excel, so it takes time to investigate. We have no estimate for a solution.


    Thank you for this answer, even though a little bit disappointing : the eaDocX Corporate license looses here its main advantage over the Professional one.

    We’ll have to revert to our former Visual Basic scripts to import/export information between EA and Excel : they still work with Excel 2016, but are less user friendly than eaXL.

    We had no choice to migrate to Office 2016, and I hope you will find a solution with Excel 2016, both for your product and for your customers.

    Best regards,

    Christophe Guibert

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