
Home Forums eaDocX queries Sort RTM requirements by order in Sparx

Home Forums eaDocX queries Sort RTM requirements by order in Sparx

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    Doug Vrooman

    Requirements are organized in Sparx by a structure of packages, with the actual requirement at the leaf level.

    To generate the RTM we right click at the desired branch package, and Open in Excel, then adjust the columns and elements in eaDocX to establish relationships and column orders and regenerate.

    The final RTM worksheet has the requirements in a different order than they are in Sparx. They need to be manually resorted in Excel which is labour intensive.

    We are expecting eaDocX to maintain the sequence the requirements appear in Sparx but it does not. Is there a way to correct this / get the requirements in the right order? The sort function in eaDocX cannot address this.

    thanks, Doug

    eadocX Support

    Hi Doug,
    I can’t reproduce this in Excel, UNLESS the Requirements (or any element type) don’t have an explicit EA sort order.
    If you create a bunch of elements in EA, hey don’t automatically get a ‘sort order’ (TPos) attribute. So how Sparx manage to bring them back in the same order each time is a mystery.
    To set the EA sort order for ALL the elements under a package, just move one of them up, then back down, using the green project browser up/down arrows. The EA PB doesn’t look any different, but in the database EA sets the TPos attribute, which Excel will preserve.

    Guillaume Finance

    Hi Doug,

    If you apply a manual sorting order to your package, you may want to check my eaUtils free addin for Sparx EA. It provides a range of sorting features including sorting requirements in a package by alias, stereotype, etc.

    This addin is available to download from


    eadocX Support

    I can confirm that, if you want to sort ANYTHING – requirements, packages, your house recycling…- then eaUtils is the way to go!

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