
Home Forums eaDocX queries Sticky Styles

Home Forums eaDocX queries Sticky Styles

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  • #6408
    Doug Blake

    Can you tell me if you treat styles differently?

    For instance, if I change the Heading 1 style it is maintained across each document generate.

    However, if I change the Normal style (I find the spacing too open) it is replaced by Before 5pt, After 5pt, although the font size remains as I set it. Is there something else I should do to keep my settings?

    eadocX Support

    In v3.2, there are some differences in how styles are used.
    in ALL cases, things like spacing, fount, colour (or color) are as defined in Word.
    …which is my way of saying ‘any weird stuff isn’t my fault…‘.

    I tend not to change the Normal style, as this is a built-in one, which I think is treated slightly differently by Word. I tend to create my own Word styles, based on Normal, but with my own name, and use that style for eaDocX generated documents. I have also noticed that the spacing can change sometimes without my doing anything, but I *think* this doesn’t happen for non-Normal styles.

    BTW – in 3.3 we will allow you to use other styles for the Headings, rather than being constrained to the built-in ‘Heading 1’..etc

    Doug Blake

    In v3.2, there are some differences in how styles are used.
    in ALL cases, things like spacing, fount, colour (or color) are as defined in Word.
    …which is my way of saying ‘any weird stuff isn’t my fault…‘.

    I tend not to change the Normal style, as this is a built-in one, which I think is treated slightly differently by Word. I tend to create my own Word styles, based on Normal, but with my own name, and use that style for eaDocX generated documents. I have also noticed that the spacing can change sometimes without my doing anything, but I *think* this doesn’t happen for non-Normal styles.

    BTW – in 3.3 we will allow you to use other styles for the Headings, rather than being constrained to the built-in ‘Heading 1’..etc

    Since you create your own styles, that seems to be the reason I cant override them. If you used Word standard styles we could do what we want …

    eadocX Support

    Sorry- I mislead you..
    When I say ‘I create my own styles’ I’m referring to me-as-an-eaDocX-user.
    eaDocX itself doesn’t change ANY word styles EVER.

    Doug Blake

    So where does this style that calls itself Before: 5pt, After: 5pt come from? Most of the main text is formatted with it. Its based on Normal and only changes the spacing, so if I change font, that sticks.

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