
Home Forums eaDocX queries Strange error on Document Generation

Home Forums eaDocX queries Strange error on Document Generation

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  • #9197


    I have an issue with document generation that I do not understand where to start to resolve it.
    I an using EA 13.5.1352 with EADocX on windows 10 and Office 2016.

    I generate a previously fine document and now linked documents do not print. Headers and footers also do not print.

    This is the tracing information and you can see the failures.

    eaDocX Trace Information

    16/03/2018 09:50:31 – Saved XML Profile in the CustomXML
    16/03/2018 09:50:31 – Not using DM – saving externally
    16/03/2018 09:50:31 – Generate successful
    16/03/2018 09:50:30 – CrossRefHelper>>Unload Project: Failed to update header fields
    16/03/2018 09:50:30 – CrossRefHelper>>Unload Project: Failed to update footer fields
    16/03/2018 09:50:30 – Updating Word fields: 35
    16/03/2018 09:50:30 – Adding references
    16/03/2018 09:50:30 – Finding forward refs
    16/03/2018 09:50:30 – Generating cross references
    16/03/2018 09:50:30 – Section generated OK: Section1
    16/03/2018 09:50:30 – Completed Section: Section1
    16/03/2018 09:50:30 – Unable to create a temporary file to store an EA linked document
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Purpose
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – WordDiagramGen>>documentDiagramForElement:{5A01E46D-F31F-4871-A7C9-F47C46D40DA7}
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Documenting diagrams for element GUID: {5A01E46D-F31F-4871-A7C9-F47C46D40DA7}
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Purpose
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Gen>>Collection starting
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – WordDiagramGen>>documentDiagramForElement:{93D84A97-14F5-45a4-8A67-48FB895EEFCE}
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Documenting diagrams for element GUID: {93D84A97-14F5-45a4-8A67-48FB895EEFCE}
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Introduction
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Gen>>Collection starting
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Generating Section: Section1
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Starting generating section Section1
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Deleting existing bookmarks from document
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Generator setting: Full
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Generator started: eaDocX Version
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Don’t need to call PHServer- within valid time
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Timout value is: 4320 mins
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Last sucessful call to PHServer was: 14/03/2018 10:57:13
    16/03/2018 09:50:29 – Full version – using saved key

    What could cause this?


    eadocX Support

    For each Linked document, eaDocX has to write it out to a file called temp.rtf in the same directory that the document is located. Looks like this has gone wrong. Maybe temp.rtf is locked, so can’t be overwritten?
    I have updated the error message in V4 to be a bit more helpful.


    Thanks for the information.

    I have been experimenting and managed to identify the issue.

    The location the document is in and the .eap file is on One-drive. If I create a document on my C: drive it all works as expected.

    Looks like having One-drive locations doesn’t allow this temp.rtf document creation as I don’t see it flashing up when I generate. I do see it flash up on my local drive.

    This is an issue as my company have made all my document locations One-Drive synchronized for backup purposes.

    Any idea if there is some setting that will allow this behavior on OneDrive areas?


    eadocX Support

    OK – I’ll change it for V4 to use …AppData/.. instead. That should work better for you.



    In what sort of time frame will V4 be available?

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