
Home Forums eaDocX queries Tagged value printing too much info?

Home Forums eaDocX queries Tagged value printing too much info?

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  • #8206
    Ken Norcross


    I am not sure when this started but now we have tagged values that print “extra” information.

    The actual value first prints followed by a “:”, and then a label of ” Default:” followed by the default value for the tag. All of this prints in bold.

    These are tags that use the Tagged Value Types in Sparx:

    These tags are bundled in a profile packaged in a custom MDG, and we use “default” values, which show up as the extra information in the eaDocX output.

    We have been using these tags since we started with eaDocX, and we upgraded to Sparx V12 and eaDocX v3.5.5.0 a few months back. I didn’t notice anything at the time we upgraded, but I have not been generating much in the last few months so I can’t be sure if this problem was present right after the upgrade. I just noticed this issue yesterday.

    So for example for a tag that is typed as Boolean (a sparx pre-defined tag value type) what prints is:

    True: Default: False

    I am trying to work up a simple example that demonstrates the problem, without recreating our MDG, but can you see anything in your code that could cause this?

    eadocX Support

    We added the function quite a while back to print the ‘description’ field which Sparx have added to Tagged Values..
    in release ( we have stopped doing this by default. There is now a setting In Repository Settings called ‘Print tagged value with notes’ which we default to ‘false’. This is makes the TV print with its notes.
    So, if you install the latest version, the TV notes should not print.
    Quite WHY a TV has its own notes, and no other Sparx attributes do, is not clear to me!

    Ken Norcross

    I am still working on getting access here to upgrade from, it may take a while longer. I don’t think this text would come from the tag value description.

    I have constructed a simple example that demonstrates the issue.

    I am attaching a file with a test custom tag and a test custom profile.

    Here are the instructions to recreate the problem:

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Ken Norcross.
    Ken Norcross

    Trying one more time to upload the files…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Ken Norcross.
    Ken Norcross

    New instructions to recreate the issue…

    – import the custom tag as reference data

    • Project>>Data Management>>Import Reference Data…
    • file “TestTagValueTypeReferenceDataExport.xml”

    – install the custom profile that uses the custom tag

    • open the resources window View>>Resources
    • right click on the UML Profiles folder and import the test profile package “TestProfilePackage.xml”

    – create a model using the stereotype in the test profile

    • add a Class element to a diagram
    • set the stereotype to <> from the profile called “TestProfilePackage”
    • click OK as needed to close the property dialog

    – the Class element in your model should now have a new tab available in the profile dialog down where you see the Tags tab

    – the custom test tag called “TestTagValueType” should be visible on this new tab, set the value to True (not really needed)

    – create an eaDocX document that prints this element
    – print the stereotype as a table with two columns, name and the test tag

    I will include the contents of the custom tag reference data file and the custom profile file in further posts below…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Ken Norcross.
    Ken Norcross

    This the the content for the custom tag reference data file, save the xml text below in a file to import it into Sparx.(TestTagValueTypeReferenceDataExport.xml)



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Ken Norcross.
    Ken Norcross

    This the the content for the custom profile. Save the xml text below in a file and import into Sparx. (TestProfilePackage.xml)



    eadocX Support

    This really is fixed in 3.6 – if you can find a way to use this version, i’m sure you’ll find this issue has gone away

    Ken Norcross

    Thanks, we are working on getting access to upgrade, I will let you know the result. This may take a few days.

    Ken Norcross

    I just upgraded to and as you predicted the Tag Value issue is gone. Thanks!

    But now I have the “Error generating document” issue mentioned in the other thread (missing method error).

    I will go through some of the suggestions there to see if I can fix that.

    I am using EA V12.0.1211 and would have similar organizational issues for upgrading that to the latest of 1215, so hopefully there is a different fix that will work for me.

    Ken Norcross

    Upgraded eaDocX to v3.6.2.7 and Sparx to V12.0.1215 and everything is back to normal, thanks!

    eadocX Support


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